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Movies are different. You don’t (and shouldn’t) generally see black actors in white roles for the same reason you don’t see movie actors pretending to butter toast or drive a car or hopping on non-existent trains. Movies are generally expected to be realistic, and it’s rather disorienting when they aren’t.

But as well-intentioned and understandable as this tweet is, it does open up some issues. For one, the Time piece in question does not erase Osaka’s Haitian identity; it is included as part of the story.

It was almost as if her black ancestry made all else invisible. True. Blacks stick out among major races as something radically alien.

Your point about gender-swapping is particularly stupid. The boys were made up to look like women, and when they grew beards, they were out of a job. Likewise a white actor playing Othello was made up to look like a “Moor.”

They want to marry the offspring of their white “enemy” while pretending that they are all the same “race.”

I think Rebecca Hall is extremely attractive but going by Papa’s standards, I don’t think she is is physically beautiful. Except for her gorgeous eyes, her features are pleasant but not much above average. Her figure is willowy but not voluptuous. She has pretty hair.

“Imitation of Life helpful site is about a mulatto girl who is struggling with her ethnic identity in the era of racial segregation. She’s light enough that she can pass for white, but her charcoal-black mother keeps showing up and blowing her cover, causing much resentment and conflict.

The biracial daughter is constantly being sent from white school to white school, because her black mother keeps inadvertently blowing her cover. When she and her mother (who is partnered with a white heiress in a business that makes them all very rich).

Much of the current out-swelling of racist hatred for whites is due to the fact we allow and even encourage blacks to hate us and to express that hatred.

The problem with casting obviously black women in roles where they are supposed to be able to pass as white is that the movie makes no sense Like Anthony Hopkins playing a black guy who passes, in the movie version of Philip Roth’s The Human Stain. At least it was a great movie!

Karen’s ethnicity is deliberately made ambiguous and turned into a sort of running joke. The Italian ancestry implied by her last name is confirmed in “The Merger.

Most of the time, putting on a play is a financially dicey proposition, so I’m in favor of making it easier on the people trying to entertain you by not holding acting companies to super high standards of realism in casting.

Sorry, buddy, that train left the station a while ago. When it comes to a choice between realism and blackety black blackism, blackety black blackism wins every time.

That’s good, but a surer and easier way is simply to answer this question: May a white person touch your hair?

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